MQ - Manufacturer coupon
SQ - Store coupon
PQ - Publix Store coupon
TQ - Target Store coupon
IP - Internet Printable
BOGO - Buy one, get one free
B2G1 - Buy two, get one free
$1/1, $1/2 - one dollar off one, one dollar off two, etc.
RP 7/12 - Redplum coupon insert from the July 12th paper
SS 7/12 - Smartsource coupon insert from the July 12th paper
ECBs - ExtraCare Bucks (CVS rewards)
RR - Register Rewards (Walgreens rewards)
OOP - out of pocket cost
WYB - when you buy
GC - gift card
MIR - mail in rebate
YMMV - your mileage may vary