Store #1
King-sized 3 Muskteers 2/$2
- $.75 off a king sized candy from the coupon kiosk
$.25 each (it's not in the picture because I ate it that night. I needed my energy!)
2 Raisin Bran 15 oz. $1.77 each
- $1/2 MQ
$1.27 each
8 SoBe BOGO @ $1.59 each
- BOGO coupon
I used a $3/$10 grocery coupon that I got from the coupon kiosk! Always, give this type ($/$$) coupon FIRST when your subtotal is highest. If I had given my other coupons first, my total wouldn't have been above $10 and I wouldn't have been able to use it.
My subtotal after the $3/$10 coupon was -$.21!! ($1.27 + $1.27 + $.25 - $3) Tax was $.38 so I only paid the difference.
OOP was $.17 for 11 items!! The best part? This didn't include any ECBs so the $.17 was a true OOP! I saved $21.60 on this trip when my merchandise value was only $21.39! 101% savings!
Store #2
10 SoBe BOGO @ $1.59 each
- BOGO coupon
Wisk detergent BOGO @ $8.99 each (one rang up $8.49 so I'm guessing the blue one was the higher price and I got the lower priced one free)
- $3/1 MQ
$1.50 each
Total paid OOP $4.18. Total saved $30.39! 91% (pre-tax) savings!
Store #3
I got another one of those $10/$50 coupons from the kiosk so I figured if I could get my total up to $40 (pre-coupon), I could get $10 of free stuff. I hit the jackpot at the 75% clearance! My total should have been $1 more because she accidentally scanned my milk coupon twice and I only had one. I didn't realize this until we were in the car driving home.
2 TG Lee $2.99 each
- $1/1 MQ
$1.99 each (not pictured because I put it away already)
10 SoBe BOGO @ $1.59 each
- BOGO coupon
Noxema face stuff $2.99 each (for my sister, she still owes me $3 for it!)
Disney Princess dress-up shoes $1.50 each
LPS Lamb set $2.49 each
3 Lil' Kinz Webkinz $1.75 each
Less $10/$50 coupon from the kiosk.
Total paid OOP $7.57. Total saved $75.81! 92% (pre-tax) savings!
In all three trips, I got $136.79 in merchandise (pre-tax) and only paid $11.92 OOP (including tax)!!! This is all stuff we definitely use and I got some Christmas shopping done for my kids!

Very cool!!! I used my 3/10 today for milk, CVS was closer than anything else LOL and we were out... paid 6 dollars for 3 gallons of milk after ECBs and the 3/10. Oh, and I had a 25 cent 3 Musketeers in there too :)