I actually had an awesome Walgreens trip! These deals just started yesterday so you can stop in and snag them too.
Transaction #1
(1) Colgate Sensitive 6 oz. toothpaste $3.49 each
- $1 off Colgate Sensitive toothpaste 10/10 SS
$2.49 each
Earn $3.50 RR
Total paid OOP $2.74
Earned $3.50 RR, $.76 money maker!
Transaction #2
(3) Alka-Seltzer Plus Fast Crystal Packs $3.99 each
- $3 off Alka-Seltzer Plus Fast Powder packs
$.99 each ($2.97 total)
Earn $5 RR
(3) Royal jell-o 5/$1 with in-ad coupon
$.60 total
Total paid $3.50 RR from Trans. #1, total paid OOP $.07
Earned $5 RR, $1.43 money maker!
Transaction #3
(1) Colgate Sensitive 6 oz. toothpaste $3.49 each
- $1 off Colgate Sensitive toothpaste 10/10 SS
$2.49 each
Earn $3.50 RR
Total paid OOP $2.74
Earned $3.50 RR, $.76 money maker!
I paid a total of $5.55 OOP for the above items and left with $8.50 in RR for next time! So I earned $2.95 in RR for buying over $30 worth of stuff!

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