This Walgreens trip was an adventure. I don't think I ended up doing as good as I planned. If I remember correctly, this was one of the trips that made me tell my husband to never let me go back to Wags again! I had scenarios planned out, but the store was out of an item so I switched up the order of my purchases. It totally threw everything off and I ended up spending more than I wanted. Live and learn.
Total Value: $112.74 (Walgreens regular prices)
Total OOP: $21.75
Total Saved: $90.99 (Total Saved as reported on my receipts)
80% savings!
I guess I didn't do too bad considering I saved 80%. But I did end up buying a few things that I wasn't planning on buying. Also, I started without any RRs and I ended without any RRs.

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