Every CVS shopper knows that the key to saving money at CVS is the ExtraCare Card needed to get Extra Care Bucks (ECBs). There has been some confusion about how many cards you can have per person, per household, etc. I personally only have one card because I only need one set of deals. Sure, I've love to be able to do the money-maker deals more than once, but I've found that the local CVS stores have a hard enough time keeping enough stock for those items without me going in and doing each deal two or three times.
So in light of all this confusion, I was excited to run across some information today at weusecoupons.com about ExtraCare Cards. Here's what I found:
So Didie and I have been talking about this as feelings(and sometimes answers at the stores) are mixed on whether or not you can have more than one card per household.
We have both called and confirmed this with THREE different people(Bill, Heidi, and Liz) with CVS customer service today alone and this is what I was told by Bill. I am quoting as best I am able to remember:
"One card per household, to be shared by those living within that household. The only exceptions are when two households live under one roof(example: your sister and her husand share a home with you, you live with your mother and father, etc), those people may have a seperate extracare account of their own, but each household is limited to one card. You should only use your household's extracare card."
If anyone would like to confirm these rules with CVS Corporate please call 1-800-746-7287 and give them incident (reference) number 325057. I spoke with an individual named Bill this morning and he was very kind and very informative.
Thanks so much to jleonard2004 and Didie over at CVS Deals on WeUseCoupons for bringing some clarity to this confusing issue!

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