I shopped Publix Thursday morning and ended up doing a little better than planned! I love when things end up being less at my store than the sneak peek ad lists. I was able to get 10 bottles of juice ($.63 each!) and 10 boxes of cookie mix ($.10 each!) without clearing the shelves. There is nothing more frustrating then showing up for a big sale only to find that someone has already cleaned the shelves. That's one big reason for my midnight CVS and Wags trips. I try to only buy what we will use or I will be able to donate. The juice will be used for the Awana Club at my church and the cookie mixes will be a great donation item with the upcoming holidays.
I had $65.90 in coupons, including a $5/$50 from the weekly mailer ad.
Total paid $21.96 (after tax) for $164.37 in groceries! I saved 87% this trip!!

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