In order to best use my ECBs, today I did 3 transactions. The first was for the 4 pack of Celsius tea. Pay $7.99, get $7.99 ECBs. A freebie! I turned it into a $2 money maker by using a $2/1 coupon I printed from trycelsius.com. I also scanned my Green Bag Tag (GBT) and earned $1 ECB. I paid $4.99 in ECBs, $1 OOP, and got back $8.99 ECBs.
My next transaction was for the Schick Quattro razor $8.99, less $4/1 MQ I won from playing their game on Facebook, and earned $4 ECBs. So I got the razor for $.99 and I have been wanting to try this one. Of course after last week's Publix deal my husband had to ask, just how many razors does one need? I laughed him off and explained I am hoping to donate some of the razors somewhere. I also added the Dial bar soap for $3.88, earning $1 ECB. I knew I didn't have enough ECBs already to cover the Prevacid so I added that too. $18.99 less a $4/1 MQ and earned $3 ECBs. I paid $8.99 in ECBs - the ones I earned from the tea and the GBT - and $15.75 OOP, bringing my total OOP to $16.75.
Last, I bought the shampoo and conditioner that was on BOGO for $6.99, expensive stuff! I am picky about my shampoo, but I figured that since this was BOGO and also had a hang tag for a Try it Free rebate, I'd give it a shot. So I paid $7 in ECBs and $.48 OOP for that, but will get $6.99 back from the rebate, making both bottles free.
By rolling my ECBs by doing multiple transactions, I was able to keep my OOP expense for today's trip to $17.23. Aside from the money making tea, this is all stuff we will use. I priced the Prevacid at Target and it was cheaper to buy it with this deal at CVS. I'm not sure yet what I'll be doing with the tea. It's a dietary supplement and each can has 200mg of caffiene! Maybe I'll give one to each of the kid's and watch them bounce off the walls....
Overall, I was very pleased with today's CVS trip. I also got my coupon for a free gallon of milk from the buy 5, get 1 free deal. My ad shows that milk is down to $3.19 again and earns $1 ECB. I'm hoping that I'll still get the $1 ECB if I use my coupon to get it free. I am left with only $1 ECB, but it was worth it to keep my OOP down. I do plan on going back this week to get milk and hopefully that will earn me $2 ECBs since there is a limit of 2. The best part was that I was organized, found everything I wanted and was out of the store within about 20 minutes. I consider that success!

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