Transaction #1
Raisin Bran and Cornflakes 3/$10
- $1/2 Raisin Bran MQ
- $.75/1 Cornflakes MQ
$2.75 each, Earned $5 ECB ($1.08 each after ECBs)
J&J First aid kits $.97 each
- $3/3 MQ
Calibur notebooks 2/$1
- $1/2 SQ from coupon kiosk
(6) SoBe BOGO @ $1.59 each
- BOGO coupon from heads or tails game
Milk $3.19
Earned $1 ECB
Paid $5 ECB, paid $6.68 OOP, Earned $6 ECB
Transaction #2
(6) SoBe BOGO @ $1.59 each
- BOGO coupon from heads or tails game
Milk $3.19
Earned $1 ECB
Blink Tears $7.99
- $1.50/1 MQ Print here (scroll to bottom and click "Coupon Download")
Earned $7.99 ECB
$1.50 money maker!
Paid $6 ECB, paid $4.02 OOP, Earned $8.99 ECB
I have a ton more of the SoBe coupons so I'll be getting more of those free. And if I keep getting the $1/2 off Calibur stationary product coupons, I'll pick up more of the free notebooks. We can never get enough notebooks for homeschooling.

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