So I decided to try my hand at Walgreens again. This time I only went in for deals that used coupons, but didn't include any RR. And I'm glad I did! I did very well and even *gasp* got overage from my coupons!! Shocker. Two of my coupons beeped, but the cashier looked at them and said I got the item, so she put them through.
2 Air Wick i-Motion compact $3.99 each
- $4/1 coupon
$.01 overage on each
6 Cream of Chicken soup $.79 (with in-ad Q)
- $1.50/3 IP
$.29 each!
(the rest were already in the pantry and I didn't feel like pulling them out for the picture.)
2 Reach toothbrush $.99 (with in-ad Q)
- $1/1 IP
$.01 overage on each
6 Trident gum $.79 each (with in-ad Q)
- $1/3 MQ
- $1/2 SQ from monthly book
$.26 overage on all 6
Paid $2.47 OOP for everything!

We have some walgreens close, but I never seem to want to mess with the RRs... so I never go for the deals. I might have to lol.